Prayer Wall

Please pray that heal my heart from all the pain and hurt I’ve been through. Become a better person and free myself of all resentment and misery that I have inside.
27 people prayed for this request!

Heather Carter
I have been attending the church since end of December thanks to my mom. We love the church and it's community. I relocated back here to be closer to family. My fiance followed, and He is now here with our son and I. He is working on adjusting back and wanting to become apart of the church. However, please pray that we can find somewhere to live(rent affordable) by March 8th. We are currently in an airbnb camper and that is done on the 8th. I am employed full time in Winter Garden and my sons preschool is also in Winter Garden (christisn preschool) so we need and want to stay in the area. My fiance is currently looking for employment (so please keep him in prayer as well). We have tried rooms for rent but no one is willing to rent to a couple with a 2 year old. I am also expecting. So our motivation and goal is to have our own place before 5/31. I am asking all of God's warriors to please pray that we are able to find somewhere before 3/8.
15 people prayed for this request!

Tanya Carter
Please need prayers for my family in Ukraine. Today I received heartbreaking news from my family member. At this moment we do not have full information about anything except what they have told us. The battle in Bakhmut, Ukraine is constantly under attacks of Russian forces. One of my family members (father) have been fighting in that city. We didn’t know this until recently that for about a month or so, he’s been missing. Last week they told my brother that he’s been captured. We do not know when it happened and where is he now. Latest news saying that Russians soldiers have been executing prisoners of war that have been captured in Bakhmut. We are still in shock and trying to understand what is happening. Please pray that he and whoever have been captured this month in Bakhmut are still alive and can get out safely. His name is Vasyly Novak.
11 people prayed for this request!

I'd like to ask for a healing prayer for my best friend who was just diagnosed with Hereditary hemochromatosis, please.
12 people prayed for this request!

Miguel Carrion
Pray for my Brother Armando Carrion he has been having acute kidney failure. Pray for physical healing and recovery.
15 people prayed for this request!

Angelique Carrion
Good morning Lakeside Church, my family is needing prayers for my brother in law Armando about his kidneys, he’s been in and out of hospitals, the past few months, and currently also having problems with insurance. Thank you and believe he will recover in Jesus name.
9 people prayed for this request!

Karen Johnson
First, I want to say that I am new to the church. I have family that has been attending for quite a while and can’t tell you how happy I am at the church. My second time attending was the day before 21 days of prayer. I attended those 21 days with only two online while I was out of town. It has changed my life and I’m so thankful I was able to do that. I do have a few prayer requests. I lost my father on December 7 after he had been in the hospital for 40 days. He was only 76 and had a lot of time left or so I thought. But I know he’s with the Lord so that gives me comfort but it is still hard. During that time my husband and I built a building and opened a business and it has failed miserably. So we are closing it tomorrow. We have more money into that building and business than I could’ve ever imagined. So my prayer is that we are able to sell the building as quickly as possible. We did have one positive thing happen during my 21 days of prayer and that was selling another business that we have. That was a tremendous blessing. I pray that the new owners are hugely successful.
10 people prayed for this request!

Jacqueline Cardona
Pray for my son Jeffrey he’s in the hospital with high blood pressure he’s staying in the hospital
9 people prayed for this request!

Manuel Pepin
I was a law enforcement officer and I'm trying to get back into it. I'm in the hiring process right now with Oakland PD, FL. I've been praying to God for the opportunity to be apart of the community of Oakland. If you could pray from me please. Things haven't been going my way but I know with my faith and love in God he will guide me to the right path.
8 people prayed for this request!

John Jutila
Please pray for my son he has been struggling with addiction and has had another relapse. He has finally admitted he can overcome this on his own and is seeking help. Please pray that he seeks God in all of this trial and not just the help on man.
15 people prayed for this request!

We ask that you lift our friend and her husband up in prayer as she received a cancer diagnosis this morning. We are believing for a complete healing.
12 people prayed for this request!

God soften the hearts of the founders of my company and give them wisdom to solve the problems they face with each other. That they may keep helping others and giving you glory the ultimate priority.
12 people prayed for this request!

Jessica Morales Cabrera
Requesting prayer for a friend’s son (Justin) who was hit by a baseball in the face while playing. He is in surgery right now. Parents are a wreck and also requesting prayers for them as well. Thank you Lakeside Family!
12 people prayed for this request!

Reneé Foster
My husband Fernando Tello Huila' salvation. His liberation from alcohol and drunkedness. I am believing that his USCIS waiver of inadmissibility application , Visa to the US and residency/green card is approved and the process is completed in God's perfect timing. Praying that our daughter Laura has a yearning and desire to seek and serve God, connect with him and be motivated to read his word and pray to him. I am praying that God will make me stronger with my emotions. In July 2024, I was told I have a fibroid in the middle of my uterus. Praying that it will shrink and that I will not need to have any procedures of removal. My body is healed from PCOS and my blood glucose levels are stable and normal. Prayer that I can foster a healthy lifestyle and be able to implement portion control and maintain a healthy weight.
26 people prayed for this request!

For my husband to get to know Jesus, and for this situation to be redeemed. I pray for a miracle that only God can perform to restore this marriage. Take away any spirit of divorce that lies in his heart. Heal him from any traumas that makes him believe our marriage is over. Surround him with believers that will guide and mentor him to make the right decisions and give him a spirit to come back to church each week and a desire to serve his church community. Give him the desire to come home for the right reasons.
27 people prayed for this request!

Corey Chambers
My wife is have surgery soon I need help in Prayer that everything will go smoothly for her and that it will heal her from all what she’s been going through..
23 people prayed for this request!

Resa Beyer
Healing from addiction for my son and To reunite my children with me . My daughter has been out of my life for 3 years and my son went into rehab in October 2023 , came out and banished me from his home. I have no clue why except the devil has been working diligently on my family. I’ve been a Christian for over 20 years!!
22 people prayed for this request!

My mother in-law is 91 years old. She has Alzheimer’s but still remembers me. She got real sick and went into the hospital. Since then she doesn’t want to eat, she doesn’t move her limbs, she can’t function. But she can still talk to me. I hate to see her suffer. She’s lived a good life serving the Lord and taking care of her family. I lift her up in prayer and ask God’s will be done but I also ask for his mercy and to end her suffering and take her home to heaven.
25 people prayed for this request!

Angie Matlock
Praying for my Aunt Pami. She has cancer and has also experienced complications from the medications to help fight her cancer. She is very special to us and I ask to please pray for her healing.
20 people prayed for this request!

Taina Figueroa
Seeking to realign with God and trusting in his guidance and purpose of my life. Healing of my heart so I may forgive and one day trust again. For my son, Antonio to continue to seek God.
20 people prayed for this request!

Please pray for both my sons to return into fellowship with God and a brotherly relationship with each other as well.
18 people prayed for this request!

Praying for a closer walk with God, so my mind, soul, and body will be saturated with His love. I am in awe of His presence and want to experience more of Him. I ask for prayer for my 2 daughters, that you will draw them nearer to you Lord, Though they believe, Lord, I pray that they fellowship and not try to do church alone. I pray for companionship, I am currently getting to know someone. In seeking companionship, I pray that we will seek God first before we seek each other. I pray for my finances, I pray that God enlarges my territories. I pray for blessing over my business so I can use it to bless others. As I pray over these things, I am also requesting that you (Lakeside) join me in prayer over these things. Thank you for all the blessings.
31 people prayed for this request!

Julia Felix
I have pancreatic pain and the Doctor cannot find the cause. Please pray for, thank you.
44 people prayed for this request!

Liza Popour
Please pray for healing over my mind and body. Praying for peace over my family and for clarity. In Jesus name.
38 people prayed for this request!

Markida McFarlane
Please pray for the strength and healing for our family as my father prepares for his return home to our Heavenly Father. My father was moved into Advent health hospice on 1/13 he has severe brain disease caused by vascular dementia and is rapidly declining. Members of our family that attend lake side Oakland campus include Melissa Pittman my sister and Latisha Avérez my niece.
35 people prayed for this request!

Jorge Coello
My mother was diagnosed with Cancer in May and is almost done with her treatment. She has completed all her chemo and has had one surgery. She has one surgery to go on February 5th. I ask for prayers to give her strength, courage and trust in the Lord that he is beside her and will see her through this. I ask for prayers for her entire medical team so they can be used by God to heal my mom and others fighting cancer.
42 people prayed for this request!

Kimberly Viruet
This past year has been challenging but always trusting in God, pray for my mom who is going for her second part of chemo today , praying for healing. My dad is still recovering from a stroke so pray for healing. Pray for me, I fell walking my dog, now have a fracture , will have surgery tomorrow and concerned about finances. I’m overwhelmed .
48 people prayed for this request!

for mine and my 2 sisters immigration status to be approved for permanent residency/ citizenship.
38 people prayed for this request!

I pray that god bring my boys near him That they let the Holy Spirit fill their hearts God take away all the bad friendships , anything that take them away from your presence . Heal me from my divorce My heart is in pain , heal me Jesus
34 people prayed for this request!

Requesting prayer for my son. Prayer for his healing of Tourette’s and that God will work in his heart and restore his relationship with his father (my husband). He is a sweet guy (he’s 21), but needs direction, motivation and determination. Prayer that he would wake up and realize life is moving fast and having a stable job/career and a relationship with his parents are important. It pains me when he doesn’t care to listen or accept advice from us and how his father and him don’t have a great relationship. Please lift him up in prayer along with me.
29 people prayed for this request!

My son’s health. He’s been sick all night and we were unable to attend in person today. My husband’s salvation and my marriage. The spirit of divorce to be removed from his heart and to give him a desire to reconcile and seek Jesus.
25 people prayed for this request!

Corey Chambers
I pray that this year 24 bring me closer to god then ever and my family….
32 people prayed for this request!

Please pray for my husband and I, my consistency and faithfulness, God’s perfect will in our life. Money management and time management.
29 people prayed for this request!

LeNora Faller
I am asking God for forgiveness and to please cleanse my heart. Lead and Direct me for His Will in my life. In Jesus' name Amen
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Praying for my brother Franc he is in operation this morning. Open heart surgery God be his surgeon. Thank you
32 people prayed for this request!

Lydia Quinones
Good morning and God you all, please help me pray for my husband, he has a bedsore on his tailbone, he needs physical therapy as a result of a fall, and he just got over covid. Pray for alertness and to be able to functioning ability. Thank you
29 people prayed for this request!

Famia Green
Please pray that my sons Jacob and Ethan have a heart change and surrender to the Lord. Also, they both need jobs to move forward in life.
23 people prayed for this request!

ramnell colon
My wife lost her job. And we just had a baby. So our prayer request is that God can open the right door so she can work from home and be able to say with our new born.
29 people prayed for this request!

Brandy Timothy
Prayers for a mechanic to fix my car. Prayers for strength as I am going through a divorce. Prayers for my daughter. Healing for both of us as we go through this time together.
27 people prayed for this request!

Praying for my Lakeside Family. May God continue to keep focus on his purpose.
22 people prayed for this request!

Healing from a broken relationship after almost 7 years. Recently separated from my fiancé and I am having a very hard getting through this. I don’t know if this man is suppose to be in my life now, or in the future. But I’m hurting.
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Direction in my relationship (Is this the man God has for me) Also seeking prayer to find a home closer to my job, church and family that will stay well within my financial means.
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Asking for faith in the unknown, we are moving into a new apartment within the next 3 months but have suffered a job loss. Worried about not being approved or not having the money together for deposits and fees. I trust that things will work out but I do not want to worry. Although money is tight I am still pushing myself to give more to the church every week so prayers for consistency in doing so and be more responsible with funds.
22 people prayed for this request!

Ana Avila
Prayer request for both my husband health issue he has been dealing with for couple months to heal and my oldest who just recently having some difficulty with some health issues.
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Lilia Ruiz Torres
Please pray for this season of transition in my life and moving, wherever God would have me move. Thank you, for your prayers. God bless you all. ??
18 people prayed for this request!

Hi there this is my Brother in laws Church in Lexington NC..recently was subject to arson who was eventually caught ...They have a very small membership a Worship band and A food pantry that feeds about a 1000 people a month. They have started to have Church again the band has played as the fire didn't spread to the sanctuary and damage their equipment but the food pantry is now in need of funds to be able to feed the hungry in Lexington..need prayers and support from anyone wishing to partner with them..thx and praise God
17 people prayed for this request!

Praying for a job please all prayer warriors.
19 people prayed for this request!

James Mcilhenny
Good morning. We’re having difficulties in our marriage and we need prayers. We not only first need God in our lives, but we need prayers to find a good couples counselor who has a Christian base faith. We are in desperate need. Thank you for your prayers and God bless.
21 people prayed for this request!

Ana Avila
My husband Carlos has been dealing with some health issues he was admitted today. I’m lost both emotionally and spiritually need prayer for myself too for all my family.
22 people prayed for this request!

Lanette Peterson
Please pray for my brother, Roger Rice. We went to the Minneola campus until I had to stay home to care for my mother that has Alzheimer’s. We are now part of the online campus. Roger is in the hospital with kidney failure and Covid pneumonia. I’m asking for healing and comfort.
20 people prayed for this request!

Jackie Reyes
My neighbor's niece, Janelle David, 6 years old, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma cancer.
34 people prayed for this request!







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